Tuesday, June 21, 2016

anti age

Table 1 Ingredients included in the complex dietary supplement Ingredient Mouse dose (mg/day/100 mice) Ingredient Mouse dose (mg/day/100 mice) Vitamin B1 30.49 Ginko biloba 18.29 Vitamin B3 (niacin) 30.49 Ginseng 631.1 Vitamin B6 60.98 Green tea extract 487.8 Vitamin B12 0.18 L-Glutathione 30.49 Vitamin C 350.61 Magnesium 45.73 Vitamin D 0.02 Manganese 19.05 Acetyl L-carnitine 146.45 Melatonin 0.73 Alpha-lipoic acid 182.93 N-acetyl cysteine 304.88 Acetylsalicylic acid 132.11 Potassium 18.11 Beta carotene 21.95 Rutin 304.88 Bioflavonoids 792.68 Selenium 0.05 Chromium picolinate 0.30 Vitamin E 326.83 Folic acid 0.61 Cod liver oil (Omega 3) 1219.51 Garlic 3.81 Coenzyme Q10 60.98 Ginger root extract 600.37 Flax seed oil 1219.51 Some dosages differ slightly from the formulation applied in earlier publications and dehydroepiandrosterone was removed http://www.vechnayamolodost.ru/articles/prodlenie-molodosti/leosbrf6/

Friday, June 10, 2016
