Monday, December 16, 2013

Dari-prince undercover

DARI Why did you attack me? Dari shakes him with anger, not cooling from the fight yet and still shaking inside and out. DARI What did you want? SECOND MAN We thought that you were playing with the sword and didn’t know how to fight, so we wanted to take your sword and maybe something else you have. he says, trying to avoid her eyes, which are firing at him like lightening. But she will not allow him to turn his head and continues to look into his eyes. SECOND MAN We were wrong. You are an excellent fighter. Perhaps you spotted us and were pretending that you don’t know how to fight in order to drive us out and defeat us?” His head finally goes down when Dari loosens her grip on his shoulders. DARI No, I didn’t know how to fight, and I didn’t see you two. I was just trying to learn how to fight and got it right just before your arrival. she says as she starts to cool down, and her heart starts to beat calmly. SECOND MAN No way. It can’t be possible that you just started to learn. I saw you fighting with Archiee, and believe me, he is quite a fighter. DARI I am telling you the truth, and I have no intention of arguing with you. If you do not believe me, it’s your business. I just want to know who you are, and how many of you are in the forest? SECOND MAN I’m Balder the third, Prince of this land. DARI Oh yeah? If so, I am the Mistress of this forest. BALDER Please believe me! I really am a Prince. DARI But what do you do in the forest, attacking people. And why do you dress like this? Dari still cannot believe that he is a prince. She saw the count of her land once. He was so well-dressed and had so many servants around him, who were well-dressed, also, that this man could not even be considered a servant, let alone a noble man. BALDER It is a very long story. And I am too tired and hungry to tell it now. DARI I have some food left, but we should go to the cave to get it. Can you promise me that you will not try to attack me again, and I’ll untie you? BALDER All right, I promise. Besides, you have such amazing sword skills, and such a big and scary dog, that I won’t attack you again, even without a promise. DARI Oh, I forgot to ask you. How did it happen that you were not afraid of the dog before you attacked me? BALDER You know, we didn’t notice the dog. It seemed like you were alone here, and the dog just appeared from thin air out of nowhere. DARI Maybe Hairy has some of Rina’s skills too. BALDER Who is Rina? DARI Rina is master and my teacher, and she is really a master with many skills. And Hairy is her dog, so maybe she took some of her skills after Rina and can become invisible, or can just make her enemy’s eyes not see her. explains Dari while untying him. DARI You are free now. Let’s go now to our cave and see what is left there to eat. They go through the bushes, and after a few steps, a cave entrance appears in front of them.

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