Saturday, October 19, 2013


Dari (The Sword of Freedom) [Kindle Edition] Dari (The Sword of Freedom) is a magical tale told about a young girl from a village who is left orphaned and devastated after an army of the great warlord of the lands pillaged and burned her village. Killing everyone, including her family, she escaped through a simple case of being in the right place at the right time. But her life was forever changed after that moment of discovery. Filled with anger and hatred, she set out to learn how she could avenge the deaths of her village and family. She meets up with a strange woman who is magical in her own right. This woman becomes intertwined with Dari and helps her to find her power and her purpose. A surprisingly excited band of travelers comes together on the quest for food, fellowship, training and lessons in the future of a vengeful heart. The group has a magical forest being, her pets, a Prince from a neighboring Kingdom, his companion. They come together to try to reach a common goal of defeat of the evil warlord and his faction to control all the lands. Dari learns lessons about how a person doesn't have to know spells to be magical. Not all Witches or Wizards or those with the gift and skill of magic are good and not all are evil either. Finding the difference between the two and holding herself back from her impulsiveness are tasks to be learned throughout her journey. She finds refuge within her own skin and learns to become comfortable in her choices and her ability to forgive. This was a beautiful story and I recommend!!!

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